
Showing posts from October, 2019

vibration pattern also changes

If the internet survives a nuclear apocalypse it would be incredibly creepy. An AS originates a specific network prefix and has (in itself) coherent routing policies. It is also under single administrative control. When should I be concerned or to see a doctor about my menstrual period. Yesterday evening I was out and my period came, I rushed to the washroom when I was able to leave, I sat for 15mins and there was blood everywhere. Well, got back an hour after and changed my tampon which was completely overflown. Sometimes it bothers me, but most of the time I don't think about it. The problem is that my family, who are really supportive of me most of the time, constantly discuss weight and definitely prefer my previous appearance. I'm not overweight, just bigger than they'd like and no matter how often I tell them I don't want to talk about weight, it comes up again and again. More like we have a much easier time checking if the machine that checks the papers is do